
Souls is 4,444 hand drawing collection with unique traits and details, Doxxed founder, Unique utilities including:

1- ⛩ 2 other deeds lands raffle giveaway to the holders who mints or secondary buy 2 or more souls nfts

2- ⛩ 0.06 Eth giveaway to the holders who mints the 4 1:1 souls nfts

3- ⛩ LFGGG

WL Mint: 15.10 - 0.006Eth

OG mint: 16.10 - FREE MINT

Public mint: 17.10 - 0.009eth

? / 4444

Total price: 0 ETH

Please make sure you are connected to the correct address and the correct network (Ethereum Mainnet) before purchasing. The operation cannot be undone after purchase.